1. Pasenadi (Prasenjit) was the king of Koshal country. In his kingdom there was a notorious robber named Angulimal. His hands were always covered in blood because of the bloodshed and he never showed mercy to anyone. The village was deserted because of him; The city was devastated, and the region was devastated. 
2. He used to cut off the fingers of each of the slain men and put them around their necks, hence the name "Angulimal".
3. Once while living in Jetavan at  Shravasti, Buddha heard about the destruction done by Anguli Mala. The Tathagatas decided to make him a virtuous man. So one day, after the meal, he put his bed aside and took his chewing gum and begging bowl and went out to look for the beggar.
4. Seeing them traveling that way, the herdsmen, the shepherds, the farmers, and the herdsmen shouted, "Shramana, don't go that way!
5. "Ten, twenty, thirty, not even forty people, even if they go together, the whole band is found in the hands of the robber." But without saying a word, God started on his way.
6. The second time, and the third time, the people around him warned them again. Nevertheless, without saying a word, God continued on his way
7. From a distance he saw the doorman coming to the gods, and he was astonished to see the ascetic coming alone, where even a party of forty or fifty travelers did not dare to go his way; And the thought of killing this ascetic came to his mind. Hence the shield-sword
And with a bow and arrow he began to chase after God.
8. Even though God was walking in his usual way. Despite all efforts, the robber could not reach them. 
9. He began to think, "This is a big surprise and weird thing. Earlier I used to catch elephants, horses, carts or deer running around, but now I can't reach him with all my efforts while this ascetic is walking in his usual way!" So he stopped and shouted to the gods to stop.
10. When the two met, the Lord said, "Angulimala, I have stopped for you. Will you give up your business of doing evil? I have come after you to make you yours, to bring you on the path of righteousness. The sainthood in you is not dead yet. If you give him a chance. So
The place will change you. "
11. Angulimala felt the words of the Lord burdened and he said, "Oh, this sage has followed me."
12. He replied, "You are telling me to give up your evil deeds with your divine voice, so I am ready to try."
Is. "
13. He threw the necks of those who killed himself into a deep pit around his neck and held the feet of God and wished to join the Sangh.
14. Lord Buddha, the guide of gods and human beings, said, "O bhikkhu, follow me." And since this command was given, Angulimal became a bhikkhu.



15. As a bhikkhu of his family, Bhagwant went to Shrawasti with his abode  Angulimala. At that time a huge crowd of people had gathered at the entrance of King Pasenadi's inner palace and "in the region we have conquered, a vicious bandit named Angulimal is torturing and killing innocent people, Or injures and considers himself blessed to have a necklace of the fingers of those who have killed him, exterminate him, "shouted the community.
16. One morning King Prasenjit went to Jetavana to meet the gods. The gods asked, "King, what happened? Has the army of Magadha's Bimbisara, Vaishali's Licchavi or any other enemy started to suffer?"
17. “No God; There is no such thing as trouble. In my state there is a robber named Angulimal. He has put a dent in my kingdom . He is very cruel to my people. I want to destroy it; But I have failed. "
18. "King, you look like a monk wearing a shaved kashayavasra, who does not kill anyone, who does not steal, who does not lie, who eats only once a day and lives a noble life.
What will you do? "
19. "Lord, I will bow down to him, stand up to meet him, or invite him to sit down, or request him to accept his clothes and other necessities, or arrange for his protection and safety. What is it? "
20. At that moment, the Lord pointed to the angulimala sitting very close to him and said, "King, look at this angulimala!"
21. On hearing this, the king became speechless with fear and stood stiff without hair on his body. Seeing this, the Lord said, "Do not be afraid, King. Don't be afraid
There is no reason to be afraid in this place. "
22. So the king's fear subsided and he went to the stable fingernail and said, "Are you really a fingernail?" Yes, "Sir!
23. "Sir, what was your father's tribe? And what was your mother's?" “My father's cow was Gaggya and my mother's tribe was Mantrani (Maitrayani).
 24. "Gagyam Maitrayani son live happy, I will take care of all your needs."
25. But now Angulimala had promised to live in exile on begging and not to use more than that. So he refused to help the king because he had three clothes to wear.
26. Then the king approached the Lord and bowed down to him and sat down on one side and said, "Wonder Lord, this is really wonder. What an alchemy of the gods to manipulate Ama Nusha, to defeat Aparajita and to calm the unrest! I could not win, but God defeated him without using a stick or a sword at all! God, I must go now, because I still have a lot of work to do.
27. "Rajan, let it be as you wish." Then The king got up from his seat and greeted the gods with great respect and he left.
28. One day, while wearing a chivar and carrying a begging bowl in his hand, Angulimal went to Shravasti for begging. The third threw a piece of cloth at him. So his head was covered in blood. His begging bowl was torn to pieces and his clothes were torn, and he stood before the gods. As he approached, the Lord said to him, "Endure all this. Endure all this."
29. Thus by accepting the teachings of Lord Buddha, Daku Angulimal became a saint.
30. Expressing the joy of salvation, he said: He who covers his forefathers with virtues and who takes refuge in the Buddha in his youth illuminates the whole earth like the moon freed from the storm. 
31. "My enemies should understand this teaching and follow this path and follow the sons of wisdom who constantly follow that path.
The enemy should hear the message of humility and forgiveness in time and put it into practice in our lives. "
32. "I was living the life of a robber by calling myself 'Angulimal' and falling down, but God brought me ashore from that stream. 'I was covered in blood as' Angulimal';

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