DHAMMDIKSHA OF 



Bimbisara was the son of Bhattiya, a chieftain. He ascended to throne at the age of 15 in 543 BC. He established the Haryanka dynasty laid the foundations of Magadha by fortification of a village, which later became the city of Pataliputra. Bimbisara's first capital was at Girivraja (identified with Rajagriha).



1. The Rajgruh was the capital of the Magadha dynasty Bimbisara.

2. Hearing of the initiation of such a large number of people, everyone in the city started discussing about Lord Buddha.

3. Thus King Bimbisara came to know that Lord Buddha had come to the city.

 4. King Bibisara thought to himself, "It is not a simple matter to persuade the most orthodox and stubborn complex to be initiated. Surely he must be egoistic and well-informed. And he must be the guru of man, preaching the truth which he himself has understood.

5. "He must be teaching the Dhamma of the one whose beginning, middle and end are beneficial, whose meaning and words are both very beautiful. He must be propagating the whole innocent, pure and holy life.It is right to see a man like that. "

6. So King Bimbisara went to the place where Lord Buddha was, along with twelve thousand Brahmins and householders from Magadha. He went before God and greeted them and sat down beside them. Some of the ten Brahmins and housholders from Magadha also paid homage to Tathagata and sat near him. Some went to him and sat down politely, asking Tathagata for skill. Some joined hands and sat in front of Tathagata. Some told Tathagata his name and Gondra and they sat next to him. Some sat close without saying a word

7. Among those twelve thousand Brahmins and householders in Magadha, Uruvela Kashyapa was among the monks who came with Lord Buddha. The thought came to his mind, "How is this? Is this great Shramana living a holy life by following Uruvela Kashyapa, or is Uruvela Kashyap living a holy life by following this great Shramana?"

8. Knowing the question that arose in the minds of all of them, Tathagata said to Uruvela Kashyapa, "People of Uruvel, people call you Mahapurusha. What did you find like that?

Or that you gave up fire worship? You gave up Agni-hotra, how did this happen? "

9. Kashyapa replied, "Only objects with lust, words and juices and lustful women can get these things from Yajna. I did not find sweetness in Yajna and sacrifice just because I understood that these things are unclean."

10. "But if you don't mind, tell me why you came up with this idea."

11. Then Uruvel Kashyap got up from his seat. Your northern garment He put it neatly on one shoulder. He prostrated himself at the feet of the gods and said to the gods, "Tathagata is my guru, I am his disciple." Then those Brahmins and householders of Magadha understood that Uruvela Kashyap was following this Mahashrama and following a holy life. "

12. Later, recognizing the question that had arisen in the minds of those twelve thousand Brahmins and householders, Lord Buddha preached his Dhamma to them. Just as the color of a clean cloth without a single black stain is as good as the color, so the thousands of Brahmin householders of Magadha who are the lords of Bimbisara took the color of that pure and immaculate Dhamma. A thousand people declared that they had become worshipers of the Buddha.

13. After seeing that scene, understanding and understanding the Dhamma, uncertainty disappearing, all doubts being resolved, and complete knowledge being attained, Magadharaj Range Bimbisara said to the Lord, "Lord, the five wishes I had when I was a prince are now fulfilled."

14. God, in the past when I was a prince, the thought came to my mind what would happen if I was crowned! God, that was my first wish, it has now been fulfilled. And then, what a good thing it would be if an Arhat Samyak-Sambuddha came to my kingdom! This was my second wish. Oh God, it's over now. And how much better it would be if I could serve that God! This was my third wish. And this God, it is now complete. And my fourth wish was for that God to teach me his Dhamma. Oh my God, it is over now. And my fifth wish was to know the Dhamma of that God. Oh God, that too is now complete. God, when I was a prince in the past, these were my five wishes.

15. "Wonder, O God, wonder! What is broken is to be fixed, or to reveal what is hidden, or to show the way to the lost, or to bring a lamp into the darkness so that those who have eyes can see." What a surprise! I am surrendering to Lord Buddha, to this Dhamma, and to his Bhikkhu Sangh. May God accept me as my lifelong surrender from today. "

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